7 Digital Marketing Strategies - Work to Get More Traffic

7 Digital Marketing Strategies: Work to Get  More Traffic
SEO social media marketing, email marketing, PPC advertising. Where do you start and how do you use these to get more traffic to your website? If you're a beginner in digital marketing and you want to cut through the noise, then keep reading because I'm going to tell you how all of these work based on a decade of experience rather than just theory. 

Today, I'm going to share 7 Digital Marketing Strategies if there's only one thing that you take away from this article, it's to not try all of these at once. Instead, pick one of these strategies, experiment, and master the channel and blog before moving on to the next.

 Adopt the mindset of the consumer 

You need to make sure that you're adopting today's mindset of the consumer. Today, we live in a content-first world. People are looking for information before they bought it.

Allowing yourself to get blinded by how great you think your products and services are, the mentality you need to adopt is to help people rather than trying to cold. 

Seldom when you help people solve problems through free and valuable content that is relevant to your business, do you reach larger audiences and build trust.

The best part is that you get the opportunity to show people. How your products and services can help them solve their problems and fulfill their desires and needs.

Blogging Keyword Research

Internet marketing strategy is blogging with SEO in mind Now, blogging isn't writing about what you did today, or even something nobler like an epiphany you had. That's a diary, but don't get me wrong. This kind of content can work well if you have an existing and loyal audience, but for most of us that just want to get more traffic, leads and sales, we need to intentionally target problems that your target audience wants to solve in the world of blogging, this whole process can be summed up as a technique called keyword research. 

Invest in video content, specifically on YouTube. 

YouTube is the second most visited search engine in existence to top that off video carousels nearly doubled in 2017 in Google search results. Video isn't just the future, it's the present, and the same principle of helping potential customers works for video two. When people go to video search engines like YouTube, they're looking to find answers to their questions.

Social Media Marketing

In social media marketing rather than covering every social media network, I want to pass on a couple of important tips that will help you grow your social channels.

The first is the focus on just one social media channel when you're just starting out.

It takes time to build a following, but numbers aren't everything. What you want is a loyal following. When you dip your toes into every possible social media network out there, your attention gets divided in the results get diluted. 

Which social media marketing channel do you choose that leads us?

 Go where your target audiences are and cater to the platform. 

If you have to choose just one social network, it's not about choosing the one with the most active users. It's all about understanding the audience that's there. And if you can serve the reason for them being there, you really need to think about why someone is logging into the specific social media network. 

 For example, 

People usually go to YouTube to learn how to do something or to be entertained. But Facebook is different. 

 Think about it. 

Have you ever logged on to Facebook hoping that you would see an unboxing tutorial? Or better yet, have you ever opened your Facebook app hoping you would find a limited-time offer? That's 97% off only for the next 37 minutes. Probably not. People don't check Facebook with a credit card in hand. People like and share things that are helpful, interesting, shocking, or flooding. 

So if you're going to try and bring people into your world, present your message as a story video or something else that will likely stand out from the endless speed of vacation. Vanity shots.

Pinterest, on the other hand, is primarily a social search. Where people can control what they want to search for, the primary intent of users on this platform is to get inspired, learn things, and plan to do things. To create content that caters to their intent for being there. So if this is your audience, take advantage of a less competitive landscape from both ads and organic perspectives.

Paid advertising

Digital marketing strategy is on the list for today when it comes to paid advertising, please do not throw your money blind into an ad network because you read that it was good. What works for one person won't necessarily work for the next person. Instead, think about the ABCs of paid advertising.

  • A = audience
  • B= Budget 
  • C= Commerciality

We've already covered the audience part. You want to engage on social networks for your target audience. Hangs out budget is the next one. 

 Bloomberg reported that Google and Facebook own a combined 58% of the $111 billion markets. 

Now the way ads work is usually based on auctions, the more. Advertisers, there are the more expensive it gets for you and me.

Another benefit is that the reason behind the search query is more clear. Someone searching for this is clearly looking for an app that does conference calls, whereas someone searching for. Just a conference call could be looking for many different things. 

 The second thing you can do is experiment with less popular ad platforms where your target audience might be. 

Finally, is commercial now all major ad platforms can bring ROI for their advertisers, otherwise they wouldn't exist. But you have to find a way to bridge the gap between the intent of the platform and how you monetize your products.


There are two ways. To look at podcasts first is to create your own, and the second is to be interviewed on someone else podcasts.

Creating your own podcasts can be great for a brand and building an audience, but if you're just starting out, it can take quite a bit of time to get any sort of traction.

Getting interviewed on podcasts is a different sort. Podcasters are always looking for interesting people. Interview, even if you don't have a ton of experience in the online world, you're offline experiences and expertise could be a great way to land yourself a position on a popular podcast.

Now, if you don't know which podcasts you should approach, an easy way to find opportunities is to look at your favorite podcasts and find someone in your industry that has been interviewed.

so filter through relevant podcasts and pitched the host as to why they should interview you and the value you can give to their audience.

 Email marketing 

If you've ever looked into email marketing, then you've probably heard people claim that email is king. But I promise you that once you get into it, you'll quickly discover that it's not as turn-key as online gurus. Make it sound now, don't get me wrong, you know, marketing is great, but first, you need the traffic to get email subscribers. It also requires. Opt-in forms to turn up visitors into a subscriber. In my opinion, email is a great long play to build connections with your audience and even sell high-ticket items.

So my tip for you on email marketing is quite simple. First, focus on building your email list from day one. It's important and you might as well collect emails from interested people from the start, even if it's not a substantial list.

But be realistic with your goals and as you build your audience, put more time into your email list and see how we can serve your business.

Forums and community boards

Community forums like Quora, Reddit, and Facebook are great promotion channels. But before you go off and start posting links to your product pages, there are a few things you need to understand and these are all based on the unspoken rules of spam. 

First, don't promote your products or services pages with In these groups, the intent of users on these platforms is to learn not to be sold to directly. Instead, think of these networks as a place to share your expertise, build relationships, and help others.

Second, use links to your content sparingly. If you're constantly posting links to your blog and have justified in your head that this is nonpromotional, then you're most likely wrong. Links can be more appropriate based on the network here. Posting.

 For example; 

Quora generally has longer answers and linking to your content where it supports your point is a good idea. Facebook groups, on the other hand, are a different story.

The point is that helping first will go a lot farther than self-promotional content that contains your reputation.

Which digital marketing strategy do you think is most effective in online marketing? Let me know in the comments and if you enjoyed this article then make sure to like, share, and subscribe for more actionable SEO and marketing content.

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